Peacebuilding and Stress Management
25-Jan-2021 — Peace Program
Since we are working with many vulnerable groups who are dealing with trauma, we believe that inner peacebuilding and stress management training and counselling will be a useful intervention method to support them. Therefore, we will start an inner peacebuilding and stress management training six times a year. Depending on the needs, we will redesign the project based on the feedbacks of the participants.
Theater of the Oppressed
This approach is an unconventional style of telling stories to the audiences which builds the relationship between performance and audience. This approach is watching someone else’s problem, and allowing the audience to deal with the problem and provide a space for the audience to interact on the stage. We will bring the issues and problems based on the true stories of our victims to the theater of the oppressed in order to create a space for the audiences to take action because we believe that resolution comes from taking action. This theater will be performed at campaign events, such as international river day, international youth day, international white ribbon day, international women day, etc.
Talk Freely Series
This program was initiated by one fellow who has been collecting the stories of victims affected by conflict, including structural and physical violence, war, gender based violence, etc. We have realized that there are many people who live with trauma for not being able to reveal and discuss their experiences and find a way to get out from those challenges. Based on our baseline assessment working with the victims, there is a need for them to talk freely, discuss with experts for better solutions and share the lessons learnt with the public. When the causes of the trauma are brought to the discussion table, the victims’ information will be kept confidential. One fellow/staff will represent all the causes on behalf of the victims and the discussion with experts will be documented and posted on Youtube and social media for reaching out to a wider public. We will hold the talk freely series and we will also have an inclusive panel discussion whenever needed.